Definition Noun Clause
Noun Clause adalah kalimat yang menggambarkan subjek dan
predikat dalam kalimat atau frase yang menggambarkan sebagai beberapa kata yang
biasa digunakan dalam klausa nomina: bagaimana, mengapa, apa, dimana, kapan,
siapa, yang, yang, yang, baik, jika, namun, kapan, siapa dll
kata benda (nomina).
1. Noun Clause sebagai
subject :
What I had like to ask
is this.
He gave me is something I don’t like.
Nyi Roro Kidul exists is a common belief of the Javanese.
Noun clause sebagai object verba transitif
She said that his grandson would work in Italy.
3. Noun Clause sebagai Yes/No Question :
Are they
close friend? (question)
I don’t know if they are close friend. (noun clouse)
Do you
prefer lots of friends or just a few close friend? (question)
Tell me whether you prefer lots of
friends. (noun clouse)
4. Noun Clause sebagai Wh-Questions :
Why did
you stop being friends with her?
Tell me why you stopped being friends with
her. (noun clouse)
When did they
start being close to each other? (question)
I don’t remember when they started being close
to each other. (noun clouse)