Minggu, 12 Mei 2013

Definition Noun Clause

Definition Noun Clause
Noun Clause adalah kalimat yang menggambarkan subjek dan predikat dalam kalimat atau frase yang menggambarkan sebagai beberapa kata yang biasa digunakan dalam klausa nomina: bagaimana, mengapa, apa, dimana, kapan, siapa, yang, yang, yang, baik, jika, namun, kapan, siapa dll
kata benda (nomina).

1.   Noun Clause sebagai subject :
       What I had like to ask is this.
      What He gave me is something I don’t like.
      That Nyi Roro Kidul exists is a common belief of the Javanese.

2.  Noun clause sebagai object verba transitif  
e said that his grandson would work in Italy.

3. Noun Clause sebagai Yes/No Question :
    Are they close friend?  (question) 
    I don’t know if they are close friend. (noun clouse)
    Do you prefer lots of friends or just a few close friend? (question)
    Tell me whether you prefer lots of friends.  (noun clouse)

4. Noun Clause sebagai Wh-Questions :
    Why did you  stop being friends with her? (question) 
    Tell me why you stopped being friends with her.  (noun clouse)
    When did they start being close to each other?  (question)
     I don’t remember when they started being close to each other.  (noun clouse)

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